Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So a little bad news. Remember the wood chopping pic? Well, two weekends ago I set out to chop the last handful of logs in the pile, and on the first log, I missed the wedge and kind of squished my finger in between the sledge hammer's handle and the top of the wedge. It wasn't too terrible, but I did fracture it and it's been in a splint since then.

You know the finger you use to press your camera's shutter release? Yeah, it was that one (right index). So that's why I've been MIA for a while. The doctor said the splint should hopefully be off in a week or two, though.

I can't shoot anything, but I can still use a mouse! A broken finger tends to slow you down, so I haven't had as much time for photography stuff, but I have been sharpening my Photoshop skills a bit. I'll show you what I've been learning in my next post!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dear! Take Care. BTW I have started a new blog dedicated to my sketch work — Art on Sketchbook
