Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where'd you go?!?

A little bit about what I've been up to, since I've apparently been MIA for quite a while.

Life's been busy, both with deadlines at work and with all the new joys and trials that our little baby has brought. I've been doing less photography, and I had begun to wonder if I might be losing my interest in it. I find, though, that I still jump at any opportunity to take an interesting photo (and whine a whole lot when I feel like I've missed one), so I'm convinced that I still love it as much as ever.

So rest assured that I haven't given up on our favorite hobby, and I'm still committed to sharing what I learn.

Fortunately, I think the subject matter of this blog is such that it doesn't have to be updated constantly for it to be interesting. I think I should have more time in the coming months, though, since we have less going on in the evenings during the summer.

Enough about schedules. Back to photography!

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